Functions to access and set hyperSpec's options.
hy.getOptions(...) hy.getOption(name) hy.setOptions(...)
... |
name | the name of the option |
hy.getOptions | returns a list of all options |
hy.setOptions | invisibly returns a list with the options |
hy.getOption | returns the value of the requested option |
Currently, the following options are defined:
Name | Default Value (range) | Description | Used by |
debuglevel | 0 (1L 2L 3L) | amount of debugging information produced | spc.identify() map.identify() |
various file import functions | |||
spc_fit_poly_below() | |||
gc | FALSE | triggers frequent calling of gc () | read.ENVI() , new ("hyperSpec") |
file.remove.emptyspc | TRUE | remove empty spectra directly on file import | various file import functions | | TRUE | always create filename column | various file import functions |
tolerance | sqrt (.Machine$double.eps) | tolerance for numerical comparisons | normalize01() , file import: file.remove.emptyspc |
wl.tolerance | sqrt (.Machine$double.eps) | tolerance for comparisons of the wavelength axis | all.equal() , collapse() , rbind() |
plot.spc.nmax | 25 | number of spectra to be plotted by default | plotspc() |
ggplot.spc.nmax | 10 |
qplotspc() |
will discard any values that were given without a name.
C. Beleites
hy.getOptions()#> $debuglevel #> [1] 0 #> #> $gc #> [1] FALSE #> #> $file.remove.emptyspc #> [1] TRUE #> #> $ #> [1] TRUE #> #> $tolerance #> [1] 1.490116e-08 #> #> $wl.tolerance #> [1] 1.490116e-08 #> #> $plot.spc.nmax #> [1] 25 #> #> $ggplot.spc.nmax #> [1] 10 #>